24 February 2008

A List: pertaining to tactics of avoidance

Another week another list, or so it seams. This time it was all about avoiding studying for A&P. After all it takes a lot of work to fail, but still not as much as is would take to pass. With captions.

  • Work on making flash cards so I could study, but not really
  • open windows to hear the birds
  • change song playing on iPod. I have a strict rule against playing Christmas music out of season
  • check e-mail it had be almost 30 mins. sense the last time I checked
  • laundry which I did myself, thank you very much, but did study flash cards at the same time
  • clean, OK it was more like hide all of the paraphernalia and try to clear a path from the door to the table because my dad was bringing Chinese food from Chopsticks. WOOHOOO!!!
  • Put on fencing stuff for photo shot still not sure why pictures were taken, I only wanted advice if I should send the pants back or not
  • change back into normal clothes which ironically I have less of then all of my other types of clothes
  • Check email. Again 30 min. rule
  • make more flash cards and finished them, for the most part at least
  • Change song on iPod. I really did think that I got all of the Christmas stuff off awhile ago
  • improv dance break
  • check Facebook
  • Google umbrellas. Mine just went inside out (no good) and I always have wanted one just like Mary Poppins, it is somewhat of a quest
  • sort beads by colors in preparation for next project but soon give up when I start to miss Jake (who would have made this impossible) and relies that a 1500 bag of fun would take even more time then I was willing to blow
  • check craft blogs/boards for ideas and the meaning of the universe
  • go get float from Dairy Queen they are the only place with the good root beer
  • get back on computer with every intention to write my modern reflection paper
  • write blog self explanatory
  • edit blog six time trying to catch all of my mistakes
  • Think, about if I want to take a shower or just go to bed and how "Q" got ripped off in the letter game. It is hardly ever used and always has "q" hanging around and taking all of its thunder.

16 February 2008

A List

So many things I needed to do this weekend, so I made a list, with captions... 

  • Sew elastics on ballet shoes
  • dishes
  • finish handbag that I am making 
  • check to car for food and hope that I left it somewhere besides in my car
  • laundry
  • trash the front door is hardly a barrier of protection
  • letter addressed to all parties involved in the writers strike thanking them for ending it, but warning them that if they dare do something that puts the complete spring series in jeopardy again, I might be forced to go on a hunger strike to hasten their negotiation process
  • dishtowel for swap
  • buy- black shirt, transfer pen, tracing paper, and groceries for stuff
  • study A&P so I don't fail

Prize goes to whoever can guess what I actually managed to get done...

15 February 2008

Floating needwork

Here are a few projects that are in various states of completed that are floating around my apartment.

Work on a pillowcase

More of the pillowcase...
and this makes three.

My crochet case that I crocheted and felted

A counted cross stitch butterfly

11 February 2008

Paradox of Platonic Degree

Do you ever find  doing something that normally was out of character, only to realize that it now is in you character? It is a paradox of Platonic degree that wasn't even in your spectrum of possibilities, and now all of a sudden it is.  It's frightening when something like this happens, even when the action is really mundane.  It make you question every action that you do, every action that makes you the person that is a part of your self identity.   You wonder if this action is just a phase that needs to be explored until it gets released onto the COSMOS, or if this is just the beginning of a whole new different identity.  That is the really scary part of this paradox.

Will you like this new person or do you even have conscious control of this new person you are to become?

10 February 2008

I still hate Valentine's Day, but...

Never have liked it.  What can a person  say about a holiday that is ruled by Hallmark?  Most of the time I skip out of school or any other social obligations and hibernate in solitude just wishing that the day would end (drugs always are a key player.)  But I do like to craft, even more so to overrule my distain for Valentine's Day.  So without giving away any of my secrets (for world domination, hahahaha) the end product will be seen soon enough.

Just kidding about the world domination part I'm still not feeling too well.

... or am I?

09 February 2008


I am currently trapped at school all weekend deck crewing.  Where some might think that one would actually be working but that thought would be WORNG.  Of course there was sweeping and moping when I first got here, this is stage production after all, but the only difference between what I’m doing here and what I would be doing if I was in my apartment is that here I about to go blind by the low beam that is shining directly into my eyes and thats it.

Just waiting out my sentence with no hope of getting out early for good behavior. 

And in case anyone's wondering, all that photography is by yours truly, unless I say its not and then, well, it belongs to someone else. 

07 February 2008

Shuffling Nowhere

Still feel not unlike this picture.

Which is, ironically, where the root of evil also resides.

06 February 2008

Shuffling about

The majority of the day has been sent moving fro one room to the next and back again.  Its almost 10 now and I am exhausted from doing absolutely nothing at all.  So tomorrow should be interesting, I am going to have to drag myself to class kicking and screaming (which is often the case), I cannot miss the same class twice in a role, and that should count allot coming from me.

I'm having second thoughts about competing in SWIFA (fencing tournament) now.  I'm not sure if I can get myself and everything else I need ready in time.  Everyone keeps saying that that how your really learn how to bout, but in all honesty I just don't want to go and loose every time I go to strip. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I don't like to lose (which doesn't really matter to me);  its that there is something finite about competing in a tournament where records are kept. In club if you lose, you lose, if you win, you win, no one keeps a tally of it and the end, honestly, no one really cares.  In tournaments the outcome of a bout determines what happens next.  If your bout again or not.  So I'm just not sure if I can get my self to that point in time.  I do, however, think that I can bring my self to the point for Crescent Open though.  Yes it is in New Orleans, and yes it is the first weekend of Spring Break, and yes I just might have too be forced to stay a few extra day, but I fairly confident that I can be ready by then. yes I do believe that I will be.

05 February 2008

Here we go

All right folks, I have had blogs before and think that now is a good time as any to do it again.  I hope to use this as a kind of forum to maybe actualize some of my thoughts.

So lets see what kind of mess I can get myself into.