29 April 2008

A Bit of a Crisis

I just switched over after the conclusion of Echoes on WXPN to Audio Visions on  XM so its right around midnight (would that be A.M. or P.M. I can never remember what is which.) So yes by this point I can confidently say that I will have another sleepless night.  Ohh yay.  It really sucks not being able to move and to be active and do things that I enjoy doing.  I start physical therapy wednesday so hopefully they will give me a wider range of movement capabilities, which current limit is walking... and well sitting.  I had a friend that I have danced with forever (its freaky strange on what level we are connected) call this morning and ask if I could re-stage with her one of our early pieces that we co-choreographed together. Of course I could not but it was fun catching up with her non the less.  It sounded as if we were two old ladies (our birthdays are only a month apart) talking about all of our current ailments over the phone.  She particularly enjoyed the pin incident story, but then again most people do.

I think that I might be having a bit of a crisis.  Maybe crisis isn't the right word, but it is as good as its going to get at this point.  It was brought on by the realization that the only way I could pass A&P lab now is if a virus took out the entire network at school and every  grade was erased.  But then of course there are the backup servers that would need to be addressed and I am sure there are always hardcopies for that kind of stuff as well. With that and taking incomplete in all of my dance classes I think that this semester would have been more productive if I did not take any classes at all. Even when I was dancing I did not fell as if I was getting anything out of it.  It was like I was just going through the motions because I had to and not because I wanted to. It's not that I was not enjoying moving but by being forced to take A&P It felt like I was being forced to take my other classes as well.  So I am just questioning how much dance I want to take next fall; which is also influenced by what the hell has to be done to my ankle and how long it's going to take to do it.  At this point I do not know if I want to keep dance as a major at all.  I think that subconsciously I knew that there would be a time when I would have to decide just how much I want to be involved in the dance world, but I always thought/hoped that I would have at least made it through academia and established myself into the field (in whatever way) before I would have to make a decision.

Maybe that this is just the insomnia kicking in and I'm just jumping ahead of  of myself, and I pray that I am.  But like everything else there are always choices in a decision and the path the they lead to is only apparent at the end.

EDIT: The time stamp at the end says its 12 A.M so there you go.

22 April 2008

A List: because even pigs fly from time to time

We all knew that it was just a matter of time until something like this was to happen.  Yes, I have made excuses when others come in contact, only to be polite, with no intentions of doing anything about it. But non the less here is a list of just a few of the more intersting things found while cleaning out my car, with captions.

  • 9 shoes notice that pairs infur an even number, not and odd
  • a wire basket, your guess is as good as mine, honestly
  • Part of my DVD collection the musicals
  • a yoga mat
  • a t-t-tambourine,  for all of those improv jam sessions
  • 5 socks, see above note on shoes

I'm sure there is more and I'll add if I think of anything, but I really cant be expected to write when The Vicar of Dibley is on and its the animals episode.  Might go into more detail latter about this, but we'll just have to wait and see...