It truly is a wonderful day today. The weather is amazing. We're at that point where the autumn winds have cooled everything down a bit and everything is still green. My french test was this morning and it went well enough and I still have three days of mobility left!
One days like this it just seems like everything is just little bit better of. The appearance of everything is bathed in a positive light. There really isn't any reason for me to be this pleased, and of course there isn't any reason for me not to be, but I am. One these type of days you stop being just in the cosmos by apart of it.
Its on days like these that I miss being outside more. Outside like I was that is. Playing with the animals, messing with horses, and in general being covered in a layer of dirt so thick that you could write your name on your arm in the dirt.
So for crying out loud go outside this very moment and stay there as long as possible! You really have absolutely no reason not to be. And take a walk! Preferable somewhere with grass and as many tress as possible.