- Getting pulled over while driving, every six months
- Finding that a piece of chocolate has melted all over ____ (fill in the blank) once a year and always when it starts to get boiling hot outside
- Majority, stop everything, injured, every two years and usually in the summer
The the most part the first two are simply hiccups in your daily life and once the matter has been addressed no further action need take place. For the latter, however, forever comes back to haunt you.
To know me; is to know that I tend to land myself in a Dr.'s office more then say almost everyone else I know, Starting in third grade, and every other year there after, I can list out the injuries that have forced me to put my life on hold and question just what the hell I doing wrong to deserve this. Not all of them have been self inflicted nor recurring, but the ones that are follow me around like a omnipresent shadow.
With my current injury, my ankle, I am but days from being put into a boot/cast, a course of action that I did not really care for the first time around and even less for now that I know what it's going to be like now. I guess in hindsight there were events that foretold that some major disaster was coming. The spring semester was all but like getting lost in a very dark, deap cave.
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