19 July 2008

How cool is that?

Usually my post have some sort of topical relevance, but to I'm feeling more stream of conscious.  So there are a few this's and that's and maybe a list. Please try to follow along, or not.  Whatever.

To start, I'm watching Eli Stone and right in the middle of this big dramatic scene, you see a bit of saliva flying out of Eli's mouth.   Of course this lead to me replaying it several time to study it and try to reproduce the act myself.  No luck though; I even tried it with hand gestures.  Looking over this I guess it is a bit wordy of me to say where his saliva can from.  Where else would saliva come from?

I just recently watched Fiddler On the Roof all they way through and for a few days fallowing the viewing I have every Jewish related Broadway song going through my head in one giant mash up.  This also includes a song from Spamalot.

I now only need to wear one shoe.  I got put in cast yesterday, but thankfully it's removable so I can take it off to itch, and ohh does it ever.  I'm going through lotion like their about to stop making it all together. You never thing about how important your skin is to thermoregulation until it's completely incased in a unbreathable material.  It did give me a decent excuse to go shoe shopping, however, to reduce the wobbling.  This all lead me to thing about how you can only by shoes in pairs, despite the fact that I only need one.  Here is a list of the things that I can think of that only come in pairs;
  • Shoes
  • gloves
  • earrings
  • twins
  • turtle doves

And finally, I bought this journal that actually encourages you you destroy it.  How cool is that? Each page list a different destructive act with all of the grossness such a task deserves.  My favorite is a page where you eat a colorful candy and make a drawing on the page with your tongue.

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