27 August 2008

Sweet and not so much

So class started back up this week and for the first time since high school I'm not dancing every day.  I did not think that it was going to be as difficult as it was.  You get into a routine doing something you love doing so much and when all of a sudden everything is different and I find myself not know really what to do.  Sure my classes interesting for the most part, but its that routine that getting to me.  I get dressed in the morning and have to tell my self that I don't need to wear cloths that I can move in because I not going to be. The low point comes when it occurs to me that I'm not going to the next day or the one after that.  Over the summer it was different.  I still couldn't dance, I could work out for a part of it, but the summer is less structured so it was not that obvious.  Fast forward to the fall semester when for the last two years I have had the same schedule of morning technique classes and I don't have that.  
It's hard. It's really hard.

My french class is turning to be one of the most interesting/horrifying classes I have had in a while (and thats not disregarding A&P). I spend most of the class holding my breath (thank goodness its only a 50 min class) and praying that he doesn't call on me.  I lucked out Monday and was literally saved by the bell and to day, well I truly was blessed.  We were going over numbers and he was asking us simple mathematical problems in french where we had to say  the problem back  and tell him the answer.  When he came over to me, as he said the question a small bit of saliva came out of his mouth.  He was very embarrassed by this,  I did really care, but it was enough, thankfully, for him to pass by me saying he would get back to me.  This best part was he didn't ask me anything for the rest of the class! Sweet!  He also calls be "Jenny" in class.  If you know me, you know that I HATE to be called that, but I let it slide in class.  I think I allow it because of the way he says it (accent) and that he's not horrible to look at. 

To cap off of summer I got to go on a cruise with the "family."  Lets just say that that the cruise was better then the family part. 
To finish, here is a conversation I had with my dad half way through; 
-J-  Matt is waking me up every two hours, but still sleeps all night 
and most of the day.
-D- Do you really want to spend vacation sleeping the whole time?
-J-  No, but some sleep would be nice.
-D- You can sleep when your dead.
End of conversation.

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