27 July 2008

Rehearsal for the Week

I hate Sundays.  Let my qualify that; I hate Sundays currently while I'm taking summer classes.  I put everything off un-school related  just to make it through the week and once it ends I avoid any preparation for the next one as if it was...  well exactly what it is.  I then spend Sundays  attempting to study (key word here is attempting) and trying to put together tactics to make it through the fallowing week that will fall flat as soon as Monday comes around.  Sunday become the rehearsal for the week, and it never is pleasant. Right now its a little after 1 o'clock and I cannot sleep yet again.  I think my sub-conscious is rationalizing  that until I fall asleep it's not Sunday yet (even though it is), because the day ends when you fall asleep.  

And so on that thought I will part by saying this is one time I wish the week was shorter. 

 By a day. 

 A Sunday.

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